me and my friend Peep from Thailand and me and my friend Pablo from Colombia
Hola amigos!
OK! so this weekend we had an AFS camp! We went to Stenstrup (pronounced steeeenstro

p for those of you who are trying to say it) which is like 1
2 kilometers from my house. This camp was for the 11 kids on Fyn and 18 kids from south Sjæland. So total.. there were 29 kids plus our 4 leaders from the office i

n Copenhagen (in danish København) and Benthe who is in charge of AFS on Fyn. And we had such a good time! It was SOOOO much fun! I love hanging out with my exchange student friends and I'm always so happy to see them! But at the camp we played games and talked about our host families, school and friends in "group discussion" time. That was really awesome. Talking to other exchange studen

ts with similar situa

tions and problems. It's good to talk about it.. And then Saturday night we had a WILD CRAZY PARTY! (in the words of one of our camp leaders, Andreas) haha it was SO much fun! Each group had to entertain and we had nice dinner with candles.. SO COOL! OH! and the picture of me and the hoola hoop is because Bjarke and Solvej thought i should learn how to Hoola Hoop properly (and not get fat.. gahh that's scary!) Did you kn

ow the nick name for AFS is Another Fat Student. AHH! ok.. i'm being careful mom! don't worry! hehe.. But anyway! I got a lot of people to try out my hoola hoop and it was SO funny!

Sunday Maria came and picked me up from camp and Kyla went back to Bjarke's house.. And then slept over at my house.. hehe we spend so much time together! I

'm going to miss her so much when she leaves!! but enjoy my pictures!! They're all from camp this weekend! And keep reading! I PROMISE i will try to write more! haha.. love francine (this is my friend Daiki from Japan who goes to school with me in Ringe!)

Kyla in the kitchen!
is Kyla leaving sooner than you??
Yes. Kyla came to Denmark last January and she leaves the in the middle of November. :(
Wow! You have been busy since I checked in last. Sounds like lots of excitement. I'm sorry to hear that you are homesick... a year is a long time. We all miss you, but we get to miss you "together" while you have to miss home, family and friends "alone". Hang in there though... Amanda is auditioning for Annie Jr. on Monday the 13th... wish her luck!!!
hey, im sorry that it has been forever since i checked the blog but things were crazy here. schools been alright (have you heard the crazy stories about english?) and swimming is fun(not the same without you), we have a ton of new swimmers, it snowed and then melted today, but thats about it. nothing exciting here. im glad that most of the time things are going good for you. i cant wait to read more and here more about your exciting denmark adventure.
from what i can see in the pictures your new hair looks great!
miss you lots
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