Thursday, October 30, 2008
My Host Family!
Monday, October 27, 2008
kyla's farvel fest!


(Jonathan, Kyla & Frederik)
What a weekend! Saturday night was Kyla's farvel fest (goodbye party)! I'll get to that.. but i have a funny story about friday:
Kyla and I were at Bjarke and Solvej's hanging out and Kyla kept getting texts (SMS) from this Australian girl, a friend of Kyla's, Alycia. She was saying "when are you going to pick me up?" and kyla kept saying "why is she so worried about it.. the party is tomorrow!" and then Alycia said "i've been at the train station for 2 hours!" HAHAHAH.. she came on the wrong day!! Ahhh it was so funny! So we ran to the station to pick her up and then went back to Bjarke and Solvej's for a while and then back to my house to sleep. haha but GOD it was so funny! We will never let her forget it.. we tease her all the time. It's great..

(Solvej and Maria, who worked SO hard!)

(the dinner and my host dad, Anders)

Anyway! SATURDAY we went for a walk for the Spejder (boy scouts) and then we spent most of the day setting up for the dinner.. Solvej made Lasagna! ahhhh ahhhh (the sounds of angels singing..) it's the best! i swear! SO!
(Alycia and her danish boyfriend Mikkel)
(kyla and her host sister Mie)
After the dinner, which was fantastic, we went to the train station and picked up a ton of exchange students. And then the party started! It was so much fun! And I think Kyla had a really good time too :) SO ANYWAY! I have tons of pictures.. enjoy!
(I think this pic is
hilarious.. Jonathan & Rebeca)
(Rebeca giving Kyla a kiss!)
(Me and Pablo!)
(Adriana, my host brothers, another little boy, and Rebeca) (Veronica from Chile, Quentin from France and me!)
SUNDAY MORNING we woke up and had breakfast. Also, we changed the clocks back an hour.
After breakie a lot of people left and the few fortunate (like me) got to clean! And after EVERYONE was gone... Maria and I went home and relaxed for an hour or so.

THEN! There is this Circus in town and the boys, Jonathan and Frederik, really wanted to go. So Maria and I took them. I pretty much just wanted to see the Elephants.. but the juggling was also really cool. And 2 hours later, we got home and I crashed for 2 hours. I was SO tired!
So that's my weekend! Pretty exciting! And then this Saturday, Solvej, Bjarke, Kyla and me are driving 10 hours to the Czech Republic!! Kyla and I are so excited!! We can't wait! but i better go! I hope I can get another blog in before we leave!
love francine
Friday, October 24, 2008
the stipper dinner

(Spejder Husen- the scout house)

Last night we had a stipper dinner! Stipper is a Danish nickname given to exchange students. Instead of calling us udveksle studenter, they

And then Kyla slept over at my house and today we're just chilling.. getting ready for her Goodbye Party tomorrow. We made Snickerdoodles too! (cinnamon cookies that are like a gift from heaven: I swear.) God it's been so long! They're just not the same though..

But ANYWAY! I better dash! I hope everything's good at home! Miss you guys! love francine
Monday, October 20, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
visiting Andrea

Hey Guys!
So this week we're off from school for our Autumn holiday and I went to visit my friend Andrea from Italy up in Silkeborg in Jutland. And it was very fun! So good to see him again! I haven't seen him since t

Annnnd then

So ok! After sky mountain we went home and made food for the exchange student party Andrea had. That was pretty fun! It was cool meeting other AFSers and Rotary kids from a different region. And we played games and ate food from different countries.. it was great!
Ok! This morning i woke up and Bjarke and Kyla came and picked me up! It was so nice! I was going to take the train but Bjarke had to have his car fixed or something close to where i was.. and said "What will you do for me if I pick you up?" soooo i'm assuming that I have to pay him back somehow.. G-R-E-A-T. haha.. but now i'm going to go grab something to eat!
hej hej!
love francine
Monday, October 13, 2008
Exploring Copenhagen!

(Frederik's church)
So that was Monday! I hope you like the pictures! Today I am catching a ride with my host mom Maria's friend Peter up to Skanderborg near Århus to visit my friend Andrea from Italy until Saturday, so I won't have any new blogs until then! I hope everyone at home is doing good! I miss you! A big hug from DK! francine
Me and the Little Mermaid!