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Finally in Ringe!
Hej Everyone!I just arrived to my host family in Ringe (pronounced Rhiina like Rhinocerous) today after a stressfull and exciting week of traveling! I was in New York for 2 days and Copenhagen (pronounced Cupenhow in danish or dansk) for 4 days. In New York I met up w
ith kids from all over the U.S. going to Norway and Denmark (30 kids). On Thursday we all flew together to Copenhagen where the kids going to Norway took another flight to Oslo and the kids going to Denmark went to orientation camp. At Orientation camp we met kids from ALL over the world! I made friends from Italy, Hungary, France, Thailand, Japan, Peru, Brasil, etc. So much fun! AH! It was craziness playing charades with people who could speak little to no English, but so much fun! Oh! New Zealand and Australia too! Anyway.. at camp we learned about Danish culture, food, language, habits, b
eliefs, etc. We played games and sports and talked and ate weird food that made me feel as if I was going to starve for a year.. haha. It was SO bad at first, but then I learned to like it. Then today, a group of kids (maybe 25) took a train to be dropped off an to meet their families. I got off in Fyn or Funen (the danish call it Fun like Foon). And my host mom, Maria found me and took me and my friend Shannon (from New
Zealand) and Kyla (Australia - she's already been here for 6 months) to Shannon's temporary house which is like 1 kilometer away, not too far. Then we bought dinner and came to my house (which is SOOOO cute and I love my room so much!) and I met my family! They are so nice! Nikolai has been helping me because he speaks good english like my host mom and dad, Maria and Anders. The 2 younger boys, Jonathan and Frederik don't speak much english, but I am able to guess what they are trying to say most of the time. haha........ So now I'm going to go to bed, So Goodnat! Write back!
i am so glad that you got there safely. it sounds like lots of meeting people from all over the world. did you get to stop and see any sights on your way there? got to go, bye
Glad to hear you're getting settled in. It must help to have someone who speaks English in the house. What it the weather like over there?
hey frano
sounds like u r having fun in danish land. we miss you up here in the big AK. its been rainning like no other haha. hows the weather over there? its cool that u get your own room and you have allready made a friend. hope you are having a blast. -heather
it sounds like your having a wonderfull time and i am sure you will adjust to your new home in no time at all. your so lucky to get to have this great experience. till next time
Francine! I miss you dearly! I am so glad to here that you are settled in and LOVEN it, ha ha. I am so excited for you! Anything about Demark that you are not to fond of? Well, you aren't missing to much here, the weather sucks, go figure. All it's doing is raining! That's obvously a sign that you have to come back! Bring some sunshine! Ohlala are there any cute boooys? Bring some of them too, he he. Well, I miss you! I hope you are having a great time! Try not to miss me to much ;)
p.s. I.Love.You =]
ahhh francineypants!
so excitiing =]]
you sound really happy and i'm so glad that you like your host family!
love youu,
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