Tuesday Rebeca and I met up in Odense to have some girl time and bum around town. We actually met up with some Rotary kids (Felipe and Julie from Brazil, Kate, Josh and Cookie who are some new kids from Australia and USA, Zea from Hungary, and some others) we haven't seen them in forever and it was great to catch up! I haven't seen some of them in 3 or 4 months.. which is just insane.. (rebeca and me below getting lunch)
me and rebeca getting lunch..
Wednesday I took the train from Ringe to Næstved to visit my ministay family! They seemed really happy to see me again! And it was nice to talk more and hang out.. Rie and I made Lasagna and we watched Cassanova and relaxed. I feel so comfortable with them.. my 3rd host family!
Rie (above).. when we walked from the train station in Næstved (below) 
Thursday morning I caught the train to Nykøbing, Falster to see Ingrid! hence "The Awfulness That Was".. we had SUCH an awesome time! We talked so much that by the 1 in the morning every night I had NO voice left! We made this awesome check list of things we wanted to do while I was there. We made a calendar countdown until we go home.. we made a robot costume for Ingrid's Fastelavn fest in language school.. we watched HEAPS of movies.. I am now in the process of learning to knit believe it or not! I went to language school with her on Thursday.. 
where we made crafts and we found cardboard boxes which we proceed to tie together and carry home on our bikes to make the robot costume! THAT was hilarious! 
We went to the library and picked up MORE movies and music.. we bought postcards and picked up freebies at the movie theater.. we ate breakfast 3 times a day and attempted to make dinner one night (the worst mac-n-cheese you've ever tasted! and stirfry that was really really soy-saucy) It was fantasic! I can't wait to go back! And I can't wait til Ingrid comes to visit me! 

And then yesterday afternoon (Sunday) I took a bus from Nykøbing onto Lolland.. which drove onto a ferry.. an hour on the ferry.. then an hour drive from Langeland to Ringe. It was SO much easier than taking the train! and cheaper than the train too! only $40! And just to prove how small Denmark is.. I met one of my friends, Kamilla, who was an exchangie in Panama last year and goes to my school and her family on the boat! Ahhh how truly small Denmark is...

And now I'm back at school. I think I'm getting sick from Bjarke and Solvej.. they have been sick for 6 days now.. the poor souls. Having to miss work.. who would want that? But anyway.. it's good to be home.. it always is.
Denmark truly is small. Whenever I talk to people, I always find out that they know some of my friends in a weird way. And you always meet someone you know, wherever you go. (uuh, that could be a song! hihihi)
hahah.. yeah! everyone knows everyone.. or is RELATED to everyone.. which is weird! I enjoy proving again and again how SMALL Denmark is!
Oi, you did use my title! I actually say stuff like that too much. I blame my limited vocabularly, which gets smaller and smaller every day. Charlotte, language school teacher, said that my costume was 'helt perfect', so tak for hjælpen, I even wore the head piece home on the bike, so super fun. It's sitting in my room now, and I think it will get to live there the rest of the year.
you got a nice blog i liked it
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