I keep finding these lists all over the place titled “You know you’re an exchange student when..” and although I can relate to most of the points I thought it would be funny to make my own list.
You know you’re an exchangie (in Denmark) when..
- You could go to any part of the world and have a personal tour guide.
- Your English sucks (I’m always forgetting words or saying strange things).
- Your friends tell you you sound like you’re singing on the phone.
- An $60 pair of jeans is considered “a good deal”.
- Going around in the same clothes for (up to) 3 days is perfectly acceptable.
- When someone asks you how far it is from point A to B you tell them how long it takes by train, bus, car, bike and foot.
- Riding a bike is like driving a car- you must obey the bike stoplights, use hand signals and have working lights (from Jen.. check out her fabulous blog in my links).
- Sheets on the bed? What do you mean sheets?
- You relearn how to use a fork and knife (fork in the left hand, knife in the right).
- You can’t shop after 6 pm because all stores are closed.
- You realize you COULD follow your classes, but what’s the point when you could play on your computer?
- You’re better than your teacher in your language class (and you SHOULD be!)
- People at school know you as “The girl from Canada”
- You’re shocked when people know your name before you introduce yourself.
- You introduce yourself by name and country. “I’m Francine from Alaska… yes we speak English there."
- You get high fives when you understand what someone said to you.
- When you go to school parties, the teachers are selling beer to the students.
- You stop trying to figure out what’s going on when you hear your name in a conversation. If they want you to know, they’ll tell you.
- You’re able to watch tv in your host language and figure out what’s going on.
- When you don’t understand a question you answer “Nej tak!” (no thanks!) and then get strange looks..
- you carry a dictionary and a camera in your bag.
- you get so used to broken English you finish people's sentences even though no one else can understand them.
- you get into arguments with the foreign language teacher (English) over how to pronounce something (ALL THE TIME!).
- you know every cuss word in your host language, but still cant conjugate into past or future tense.
- peoples stares don't bother you anymore.
- a conversation is going fine, before it suddenly get stuck on some word or phrase which makes you completely forget what you were talking about.
- you automatically use words in a foreign language that you cant even translate but they just seem to fit the context (hyggelig).
I’ll keep trying to add to the list. I used a few from a facebook group and from Jen (USA).
woow!! What a great list! :)
what you said is very very true!! :)
Heyy! I'm a Danish exchange student in the US.
I was reading your blog (believe me, you can learn a lot about your own country from reading exchange students' blogs- haha), and yeah, I feel EXACTLY the same way about the "ARGH I'M GOING HOME SOOOON!!!!"
I thought it was just me, but apparently not.
Oh well, I hope you enjoy your stay in Denmark!
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