I hope you've already read my last two posts about our first 4 days in the Czech Republic! Now you can see what we did on days 5, 6, 7 and 8... our last 4 days in the Czech!
Alrighty.. on Wednesday we decided to see the Prague castle/church. It was a really nice day out- sunny and warm. It had been foggy all week so far so we didn't get to have a cool view over Prague. So we saw the Prague castle, which.. was SO COOL. It was amazing. SO old! and SO huge! "The Prague Castle is a castle in Prague wh
ere the Czech kings, Holy Roman Emperors and presidents of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic have had their offices. The Czech Crown Jewels are kept here. Prague Castle is one of the biggest castles in the world (according to Guin
ness Book of Records the biggest ancient castle) at about 570 meters in length and an average of about 130 meters wide." You can read more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prague_Castle and check out my pictures!
And it was REALLY cool because when we were at the Castle, where the President lives, there was an official visit from two people from Guinea, in Africa. SO! We got to see the official welcoming and watch the guards march and stuff.. and that was pretty exciting! My favorite thing was that the soldiers looked SO happy- so proud to be able to march.. haha and also like they could BARELY keep from laughing. It was awesome! :)
Then we walked down the Prague Castle stairs- I think Solvej called them the King's steps- and we got to see an amazing view of Prague. It was so cool! I can't even describe it.. maybe the pictures will help.. then we walked through P
day 6
and there are little shops all the way up to the Castle. But because we went in the "winter" there aren't very many stores.. But we ended up spending 5 hours walking up to Karlstein.. having a look around and getting a guided tour through the castle (no pictures allowed inside.. sorry!) shopping a little bit and walking back down. haha.. so we decided to go shopping again at Letnany! Then dinner for the 3rd time at this good restaurant we found! and bed time..
day 7
Friday! Friday we decided to go BACK to Prague to pick up the last things we wanted.. On our first day in Prague, Kyla and I had necklaces made of our names (which I love!!) and Kyla wanted to go back and get one for her sisters.. so we parked at the Yellow Market, down the street from downtown Prague and walked. We picked up our last minute things and then we wa
lked back. We didn't have that much more to do so we pretty much relaxed! And Friday night we had a REALLY nice dinner! And I was made to try Escargot- snails. ummmmm surprisingly they were actually GOOD. I just couldn't get over that I had to pry them out of their shells! And I could just picture them crawling around in my head.. but they taste
almost like steamers! Pretty good!
day 8
Our last day in the Czech! We woke up.. had some breakie and packed the car. Then we evaluated how much room we had left and how much MONEY we had left.. and w
ent to this sweet store where everything is REALLY cheap and packed the car to the limit! haha.. and we were off on our way home! I slept for 5 of the 9 hours.. so again it didn't seem that long..
All in all it was SUCH a wonderful trip! And I am so grateful that I was given the opportunity to go! Thanks again Bjarke, Solvej and Kyla! (kyla because she had to DEAL with me for a whole week.. hehe) And thank you to Solvej and Kyla who worked so hard taking pictures throughout the WHOLE trip.. hah Kyla took like 1,000,000,000 pictures of trees, no joke!Thank you guys for reading about my trip to Tjekkeit (the Czech Republic in Danish)! Keep reading for more updates about what i'm up to here in Denmark! love francine
hehehe you ate a SNAIL!!! kina reminds me of the little mermaid when Ursula uses some weird thingies and they are like noooo noooo but she giggles and uses them for lipstick
jee thanks! now i feel SO much better about eating bugs!
thats all i have to say
miss you!
oh man i didn't even THINK about them little guys being bugs!!! SICK!! thats morelike a timon and pumba thing!! wow. you gained like A BAZILLION cool points with me
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