I'm so sorry it's been forever since I wrote last! I've really been doing so much! And have been a bit lazy with my writing.. but that ends now!
It's the first days in May.. I am going home in 8 weeks. How freaking scary is that? I am so unbelievably nervous.. but excited to see my family and friends.. but sad because I love my life here and my family and friends.. and I don't want to leave them. It's a sticky situation to be in.. and none of us exchangies are too happy about it. So... I have been keeping VERY busy! Evelyn and I are doing something almost every day! Even just hanging out and being together.. or going to Svendborg, or Faaborg or Nyborg! We've been going nonstop and I love it! After trying so hard all year getting people to go out and DO things.. people are starting to invite me all over the place and it's been wonderful! Lets seee...
Since the Sys Bjerre concert.. the next friday I went to our last school party of the year! We had a before party at my friend Pernille's house with the class and then we drove to the school.. the party was SO much fun! And I hung out with the exchangies and my classmates and had a blast!

Saturday Evelyn and I trekked down to Svendborg (via the train) and met up with Veronica. We planned on making a bike trip down to Valdemar Slot (Castle) on Taasinge, the island below Fyn. But halfway across the bridge Vero's mom's bike broke and we decided to have a picnic on the beach instead! And it turned out to be SO nice! We found a really cool spot where the sun hits you but the wind doesn't .. and we sat there and layed in the sun and talked for 5 hours! It was fantastic! Then we made it back to Vero's house and made dinner by ourselves and just had so much fun talking and listening to music and watching tv! Vero cut my hair again too! hehe.. It feels so good!
Sunday Evelyn and I went home and were at my house and then Bjarke drove us (and picked up Snaper from Hong Kong) to see my friend Casper's play over in Ryslinge. It was really interesting! A strange play.. called Knivsæg (Knife's edge).. but it was great being with Evelyn and Snapper!
This past weekend I hung out with my friend Lea (who we spent Christmas with) after school on Friday and we went back to her house and had fun watching movies and talking.. Saturday morning Bjarke and Solvej picked up me, Lea and Rie (Lea's sister) to see WOLVERINE at the movies in Odense! and it was SUPER good! I just love the movies! We went back to Lea and Rie's house for a barbecue dinner outside in the sun.. It was so cozy!
Sunday Evelyn, Snaper and me took the train to Nyborg and went to the beach with Francesca (from Italy) and Pablo (from Colombia) and had A BLAST! We went in the water! And we played beach volleyball.. and walked through the town and had an ice cream! Just a really fabulous day! You can see all the pictures at http://picasaweb.google.dk/perkypiano/SundayInNyborg#
Today, Monday.. I just hung out with Evelyn and Snaper (again! haha..) and we watched movies and relaxed in my room because it was raining outside and we were free from school.. we had such a nice time!
I don't have very much more to report! I am going on a tour of Jylland (Jutland in English) at the end of May which I am really excited about! It's with AFS and it's a whole week long so it will be super wonderful! And as of today I have 9 days left of school and I am thrilled! I love my classmates.. really I do.. but I am so sick of school and of doing nothing. It's really getting to me.. so in 9 days I will be done!
I will write more from now on! I promise! Please keep reading! knus francine :)
Francine! :) just 9 days? that great! :) i have 3 weeks more, but anyway! thats life :P nice to know about you :B im also lookingforward to Jyllands tur! :) and see you soon :B
I feel the exact same way about leaving!!!! AHHH
you know, how you've build up so much this year.. so many friendships, so many relationships, so many point of views and everything. Oh god, I can't realize I'm leaving this.
It's like.. the going back home part is fine, because you kinda miss stuff by now, but leaving is SOOO terrifying.
so confusing xD
FRIEND!!!!!! i cant wait till you get back!!! =) im so giddy with excitement i might explode!!
p.s. giiiirrrrrrrrrlll you had some major cleavage goin on!
NOT FAIR!! I am not done with school until June 2oth. A little more time to go. You are luck you get out so early. :) Wish I did. Then I could travel Norway more. But it's cool. We've got the Russ going on (that's only Norsk) so we have extra. Way cool that you get to do so much stuff with AFS. Wish I could too, but..well...I live so far away! :) klem
ahh u r so lucky only 9 days left! well now that i think of it i have 9 left too!! lol Sounds like ur keeping busy lol give me a call sometime! miss you so much!
deeeeear francine,
i love the picture of you with the crab. absolutely fabulous.
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