I just dropped by my second home = the post office again the other day. I swear.. when I get home and people ask me what I did in Denmark I will say "well I went to school.. I was in girl scouts.. I worked at the movies... and I went to the post office!" I visit, most weeks, twice a week. I think I have an addiction! I love sending postcards from Denmark! I cover them in little Danish flag stickers.. I just figure I'm here for just one year so I might as well send lots of postcards from Denmark!
But the other day I had to stop by to send some packages with candy out and some postcards of Alaska to friends in Denmark. I've also gotten into the habbit of sending Alaska postcards as thank you notes to people after I go to visit! They seem to like it! And I like to leave a great ALASKAN impression wherever I go! I bring Alaskan candies and key-chains whenever I visit anywhere.. and people just love it! Plus it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside :)
the post office in Ringe, my town.
But I have to say.. I'm a bit dissappointed with the U.S. post! Lately many of the postcards I've sent home never make it there. Which is frustrating to me. Obviously sending postcards is something really important to me.. and I've spent quite a lot of money (sorry mom and dad) buying and mailing postcards (on average $1.50 to buy and $2.00 to send). So it pisses me off that my money is going down the tubes because someone working for the post thinks it's funny to steal cool pictures of DK. Now I'm brainstorming other ways to send postcards without having them stolen..
But the other day I had to stop by to send some packages with candy out and some postcards of Alaska to friends in Denmark. I've also gotten into the habbit of sending Alaska postcards as thank you notes to people after I go to visit! They seem to like it! And I like to leave a great ALASKAN impression wherever I go! I bring Alaskan candies and key-chains whenever I visit anywhere.. and people just love it! Plus it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside :)

But I have to say.. I'm a bit dissappointed with the U.S. post! Lately many of the postcards I've sent home never make it there. Which is frustrating to me. Obviously sending postcards is something really important to me.. and I've spent quite a lot of money (sorry mom and dad) buying and mailing postcards (on average $1.50 to buy and $2.00 to send). So it pisses me off that my money is going down the tubes because someone working for the post thinks it's funny to steal cool pictures of DK. Now I'm brainstorming other ways to send postcards without having them stolen..
Put them in envelopes (: it always helps: 1. they go faster and 2. it seems more important to the postal service thingy!
ok! I will try it out next time! tak skal du ha'! :)
jamen det var da så lidt ;D
you're so silly. i have a genius idea though. doves. yes doves. or pengins!! they worked in worl war two im sure they could work now!by the way im giving up on even trying to log in so i can leave you a comment. it infuriates me and i lose hair. im sorry its just not worth it.
im totally game for the pigion. Ill start sending one your way.
bring the pigeons on! I'll leave my window open :)
you have to be careful when it comes to pingins because they poop alot and show no mercy to were it lands
courtney.. did something bad happen to you and a pigeon? i feel like there must be a story behind it.
oh...indeed there is. a very painful, heartbreaking story that im sure will be made into a lifetime movie
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