Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dancing Aurora

I was just driving home from work and I saw the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) for the first time in way over a year! I wanted to tell you about it... It was strikingly beautiful - florescent green and dancing in the sky. At one point while I was driving there were 3 different ribbons of it.. flitting around. I'd almost forgotten just HOW beautiful they are... I wish you could see them! and I wish I could take a picture to show you! But unfortunatly only profesional cameras can capture the Northern Lights... but here is a picture similar to what it looked like. (but off of google!) Still no snow up here in North Pole! We've gotten a little bit here and there but it keeps melting. And the temperatures are really warm for the end of October... scary gobal warming!

Take care guys.... Love francine


Anonymous said...

WOW! It must be beautiful to look at (even if the image is from google).

Anonymous said...

Det er bare sååå Flot...haha

Mitos said...

Muy bonita la Aurora Boreal. Me encantaría verlo al natural.
Saludos. Mitos

Generic Cialis said...

Incredible picture the one in your blog, I hope one day I can watch the aurora boreal with my own eyes instead of pictures.